How to Move Heavy Furniture by Yourself 

Everyone at least once in their life gets into a situation when they need to move heavy furniture. This may be due to moving to a new house, renovating an apartment, or buying new furniture. Even if you travel. Unless you are living in a campervan or on a bag only, there will be a time you’ll need to move furniture. I know I’ve had my share of such experiences.

In any case, such events do not happen often, so most people approach them unprepared. However, this is no reason to panic. You can always turn to a professional moving company Los Angeles to San Francisco: They will gladly do this work for you. Also, we have prepared a professional guide to help you cope with moving heavy furniture. In this article, you’ll read about pre-moving preparations, expert approaches to moving furniture, and tips to keep your body and property safe.

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Tips for moving heavy furniture

Transportation of furniture is a process that consists of several stages. You can either struggle at every step or read this article and make the move smooth and enjoyable.

Make a Plan

No matter how strange it may sound, you need to start moving heavy furniture with a notepad. Make a list of everything that needs to be moved and determine the order in which the items should be loaded onto the truck. The heaviest should be located near the walls. Lighter and smaller items can be placed on top or inside wardrobes.

If you start to mindlessly move everything, there is a chance that a decent “traffic jam” will form at your entrance. If you doubt that any object will pass through the doorway, then first measure the dimensions. To avoid this challenge, you can delegate it to competent movers Orange County to San Francisco:

Prepare for the Move — Pack your Equipment

How to move heavy furniture safely and easily? The modern home furnishing industry has come up with many great things that make this task easier. Below is a list of equipment and supplies that you can find at any hardware store:

  • Furniture sliders. They help a heavy object glide easily across the floor and even the carpet. Buy a few and moving furniture on hardwood floors will not cause scratches.
  • Boxes, plastic wrap, and other packaging materials. A good separation will make it easy to find the right things and parts in a new place.
  • Dollies. Whether you are moving furniture on your own or with a friend, a dolly can cut the time significantly. You can rent it from a moving company.
  • Moving straps. Another useful thing that allows you to lift more than you would do with your hands.
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Remove any Obstacles

When you move heavy objects, such as furniture or household appliances, no one and nothing should interfere with you. Make sure there are no small items or debris on the floor. Boxes should not be placed in or near aisles. If you have double doors, open them wide. Cleaning the space will help avoid unpleasant trips, falls, and even injuries.

Dismantle Furniture into Tiny Pieces

Most furniture has moving parts: shelves, cushions, drawers, and so on. Often, you can separate the legs from the table or the back from the sofa. Furniture must be dismantled before moving. This will significantly reduce its weight and prevent small parts from falling.
Collect all small parts and screws in bags and label them. So you can easily find them when assembling in a new house.

Stretch in Advance

Another suggestion that might seem funny. Indeed, what a stretch — you’re not in the gym. However, remember that your sofa may weigh more than a barbell or other sports equipment. Your body will experience unusual stress for several hours, so it must be prepared accordingly. Do a light warm-up, and make sure your arms, legs, and core are in good shape.

Lift Heavy Furniture the Right Way

To avoid excessive stress and possible injury, here are a few simple tips to help you:

  • Lift heavy furniture with your legs, not your back. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or wider, grasp an object with your gloved hands or using the moving straps, and begin to slowly straighten your legs. The back should be straight.
  • While moving, the furniture should be as close to your body as possible. Do not carry it with outstretched arms.
  • Do not twist the spine, do all the turns with your legs.
  • Finally, how to move heavy furniture by yourself? Do it slowly. Hasty movements can cause excessive dynamic stress on the joints.
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Plan ahead for unloading

The final part of your plan should be the unloading and arranging of the furniture in your new home. If you load the truck incorrectly, unloading will be more difficult and take longer. Try to move the furniture to the delivery point so that it immediately gets to the right place.

In any case, remember that move is an extraordinary event that rarely happens. If you do not know how to move furniture by yourself or simply do not want to do it yourself, contact the specialists who help people with moving every day. They know all these tricks and will gladly offer their services to you!

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