Happy Women’s Day

Sometimes while traveling we discover interesting local holidays or traditions. One of the special occasions in Romania is to celebrate women – mothers, wives, daughters, grandmothers, aunts. 8th March is a day dedicated to them – it is the International Women’s Day.

This special day isn’t one encountered only in Romania (here is an article with the history of this day) , but also in many other countries. In some it is a public holiday (not in Romania), in others it is a special day acknowledged as such, a holiday but without the perks of a day off. Regardless of the way it is celebrated, this day is special and, even if we should show our appreciation to the important women in our lives all year long, it is a wonderful occasion to show them how much we love them.

As I know many of the readers of this blog are women, I didn’t want to let this day go by without wishing you all to have a wonderful spring and without telling you “Happy Women’s Day!”

Happy International Women's DAy!

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